1 | Bachelors possess an advanced level of theoretical and practical knowledge which is supported by textbooks containing updated information and other resources. |
2 | Bachelors can make use of advanced theoretical and practical knowledge obtained in the lectures. |
3 | Bachelors gain sufficient knowledge about the issues quality, health of workers and work security. |
4 | Bachelors can interpret and evaluate data, identify and analyze problems and develop solutions to them by using knowledge and skills gained in the lectures. |
5 | Bachelors can evaluate the advanced knowledge and skills acquired in the courses through a critical approach. |
6 | Bachelors can conduct advanced level studies in economics independently. |
7 | Bachelors can take responsibility in the solution of problems faced in economics both as a team member and an individual. |
8 | Bachelors can carry out planning and managing activities aiming at the development of subordinates. |
9 | Bachelors can organize and implement projects and conduct activities for the social environment lived within with a sense of social responsibility. |
10 | Bachelors can determine learning needs and direct the learning. |
11 | Bachelors develop a positive attitude towards lifelong learning. |
12 | Bachelors gain awareness of the universality of human rights, social justice, cultural values and environmental protection. |
13 | Bachelors can inform people and institutions in the area of economy, transfer ideas and solution proposals to problems in the field in both written and oral forms. |
14 | Bachelors can share the ideas and solution proposals to problems in the field of economy, which are supported by qualitative and quantitative data, with professionals and non-professionals. |
15 | Bachelors can monitor the developments in the economy and communicate with peers by using a foreign language. |
16 | Bachelors can use some software programs as well as information and communication technologies. |
17 | Bachelors gain the sense of acting in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethic values in the stages of gathering, implementation and release of the results of data related to the economy. |