Name and Address
Academic Calendar
Academic Authorities
General Description of University
List of Degree Programmes Offered
Student Admissions
General Registration Procedures
ECTS Credit Allocation

Academic Authorities

The Rector represents the university legally and institutionally; he is the head of the university organisation. He is responsible for the pursuit of the university's goals based on quality criteria and in compliance with the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and the promotion of merit.


The Senate is the principal academic body, comprised of vice rectors, deans, directors of institutes and directors of schools, as well as members elected by the faculties.

Senate committees deal with a wide range of subjects related to teaching and research. In addition, each Faculty, School or Institute has its own Executive Council and Academic Board responsible for the administration of their respective units.



Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hakkı Alma



Lect.Dinçer ÖZTÜRK

Duty: Deputy of General Secretary

Iğdır University, Iğdır / TURKEY • Tel  (pbx): +90 476 226 13 14 • e-mail: