History |
The Department of Software Engineering was opened within the Faculty of Engineering with the approval of the Council of Higher Education. |
Qualification Awarded |
Software Engineering
Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle) |
First Cycle |
Specific Admission Requirements |
(1) The acceptance of student for undergraduate programs conducted in units allied to Iğdır University is done according to the results of selection and placement exams arranged by Student Selection and Placement Center. Students accepted to the university have to fulfil the conditions for exact registration as follows: a) Presenting a diploma or formal document which shows to graduate from high schools or their equivalents
b) Paying school fee determinate according to 46th article in accordance with the law no 2547.
(2) The original of documents required for registration or its approved sample is accepted by the university. The process is made on the basis of the declaration of applicant with regard to military service and conduct sheet. |
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal) |
The announcement of the courses included in the scope of recognition of prior learning, the receipt and evaluation of applications are made on the dates specified in the academic calendar.
Recognition of Prior Learning will offer many benefits to our students and employers. For our students; increasing professional development and mobility in the labor market, preventing repetition of education and waste of time, providing early graduation, reducing the cost of learning, encouraging learning, increasing student motivation and self-confidence can be counted among the benefits of recognition of prior learning. From the point of view of employers; it will contribute to the elimination of skill or qualification deficiencies in the workplace, to reduce the time that employees will spend outside the workplace for training purposes and thus to use resources more efficiently.
Recognition by the Department of the education received by a student who has previously studied at another higher education institution in Turkey or abroad is made according to the procedures determined in Igdir University, Associate Degree - Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations. (https://www.igdir.edu.tr/mevzuat) |
Qualification Requirements and Regulations |
In order to obtain a bachelor's degree from our department, students must complete at least 240 ECTS by being successful in all compulsory and elective courses they take. The course program to be completed is attached. For other conditions, Iğdır University, Associate Degree - Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations apply. (https://www.igdir.edu.tr/mevzuat) |
Profile of The Programme |
The topics of software engineering have been addressed and defined by the international standards bodies ISO and IEEE. According to these definitions, the fields of Software Engineering cover both technical, artistic and managerial issues.
The Department of Software Engineering aims to train software developers who will work towards the goal of developing the most reliable software in the country in the most reliable way, and to develop software that will be used in increasingly critical areas such as subway, airport, nuclear reactor management, defense and similar areas in our country with techniques close to zero error. In these fields, training software engineers equipped with modern theoretical and practical knowledge is very important in terms of directing the technology needed by the economy. The software engineering departments of universities have undertaken this task. In addition, the creation of data models and data structures necessary for solving problems based on computer software of different disciplines is among the main objectives of Software Engineering. |
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples |
Software Engineers shall be experienced about software and business solutions production and execution fulfilling the needs of company or corporations as an engineer who has authority to sign. Students, who graduate from Software Engineering Department, have a wide work area such as systems analyst, systems engineer, design engineer, web designer specialist, information technologies specialist and application programmer in various departments of each agency and institutes. They can also take charge in management, data management in data processing centers of companies producing computer software and as application engineer in the realization and computer-aided industrial design. Software engineers who will graduate from program will make project design at software field. They can put these projects into practice. They will have features to complete the test and integration steps successfully. They can employ in foundations producing defense industry and electronic device as application engineers and working on networks as application employee or systems engineers. Besides, they can work at universities as academician and in private sector companies and military foundations as software specialist. Graduates, who will take education formation, will work in related departments in Technical, Industrial Vocational Highschools and Vocational Training Centers dependent on the Ministry of National Education. |
Access to Further Studies |
Students who graduate from this program can apply to study in graduate programs. |
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading |
The assessment methods for each course have been given in the relevant "course information package" prepared by the instructor(s). Examinations and grading are carried out in accordance with Igdir University Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations. (https://www.igdir.edu.tr/mevzuat) |
Graduation Requirements |
Successfully complete all of the courses in the program (240 ECTS credits in total) and have a GPA of at least 2.0 out of 4.00. |
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning ) |
Full-Time |
Address, Programme Director or Equivalent |
Address : Iğdır University Faculty of Engineering Dean's Office Software Engineering Department
Head of Department : Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Said BOYBAY
Phone: 4762230010
E-Mail : muhammed.boybay@igdir.edu.tr
Web Address : https://yazilimmuhendisligi.igdir.edu.tr |
Facilities |
The department consist 1 Computer laboratory, 1 research laboratory, and 1 Basic Electrical and Electronics laboratory. |