Third Cycle Programmes
    (Doctorate Degree)
Second Cycle Programmes
    (Master's Degree)
First Cycle Programmes
    (Bachelor's Degree)
Short Cycle Programmes
    (Associate's Degree)
Short Cycle Programmes (Associate's Degree)

Igdir Vocational School of Technical Sciences - Machine - Mechanics

General Description
Engine Department was founded in 2005 and started education in 2005- 2006 academic year with 12 students. Curriculum is in concordance with HRDTE (Human Resource Development though Vocational Education since 2010- 2011 academic year. Since the 2013-2014 Academic Year, this programme continues to educate in Iğdır Technical Sciences Vocational School.
Qualification Awarded
Students, who completed this 2 (two) year-programme, have associate degree related to engine. Graduates will assume the tittle of Engine Technician
Level of Qualification (Short Cycle , First Cycle , Second Cycle, Third Cycle)
Ön Lisans
Specific Admission Requirements
Admission & Registration Requirements are subject to Educational Directions which are accepted by Iğdır University Senate. Besides, students should have high schools or their equivalents diploma and have enough degree from student selection examination for university.
Specific Arrangements For Recognition Of Prior Learning (Formal, Non-Formal and Informal)
Recognition of Prior Learning process in Turkish Higher Education Institutions, vertical and lateral transfers in university are held within a scope of "REGULATION ABOUT TRANSFER BETWEEN ASSOCIATE DEGREE PROGRAMME AND UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS, CREDIT TRANSFER BETWEEN INSTITUTINONS WITH DOUBLE MAJOR AND SUB-SPECIALTY" which is defined by Higher Education Instıtutıon. In Turkey, except for formal education institutions, recognition of in-formal and non-formal education, which are depended on certificate and experience, is infant. Therefore, recognition of prior learning is not fully initialized in all programmes of Iğdır Universty. However, exemption exams are held for Computer, English courses, which take place in training scheme of programmes, at the beginning of each semester. Students, who think that they have enough competence for these courses, have the right to have this exam. Students who have the exam and be successful, will be exempt from related courses in curriculum.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
Students should have at least 2.0 (two) grade point average for all the other courses execpt from Higher Education Institution courses in line with the Associate Programme and Undergradurate Regulation, Iğdır Universty. For futher information, please apply to regulation. It is a necessity to complete all the courses and 30 weekday internship successfuly. (Total 120 ECTS)
Profile of The Programme
Study period of Engine, Iğdır Universty lasts 2 year and is run theoretically and practically. General cources like Turkish Language, Ataturk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution, Foreign Language, Mathematics and cources like Engineering Drawing, Material Technology, Machine Elements, Strenght, Basic Manufacturing Processes, are given in the first and second semesters of the academic year. Courses like CNC Technology, Manufacturing Processes, Computer-Aided Drawing, Hydrolic Pneumatic, Work Safety, Welding Technology are given in the third and fourth semesters of the academic year.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Graduates, who completed Engine Department, can work as an engine technician at public institutions according to their degree of public personnel selection examination and work at firms which are active at different sectors. Besides they can work as drawing technician at engineering design offices or work as staff for mechanical installation at constuction companies. They can establish their own drawing office or manufacturing atelier. They can complete undergradute education with External Transfer Exam and Open Education Faculty.
Access to Further Studies
Graduates can continue "Mechanical Engineering", "Manufacturing Engineering", "Shipbuilding and Ship's Engine", "Engine Department", “Materials Science and Engineering", "Metallurgical and Materials Engineering", "Automotive Engineering", "Machining Teachering", "Metallic Teachering", "Machine Drawing and Construction Teachering", "Automotive Teachering" undergratuade programmes through External Transfer Exam or complete "Business Administration", "Economics" undergraduate education at Open Education Faculty without exam.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Examinations, measurement and evaluation of courses are held in line with the Association- Undergraduation Degree Education and Examination Regulations of Iğdır University.
Graduation Requirements
Period of study is 2 year (4 semester) and education language is Turkish. Students, who meet the requirements defined in Association- Undergraduation Degree Education and Examination Regulations of Iğdır University and who complete 112 ECTS cources and 30 day internship (8 ECTS) succesfully, have right to graduate.
Mode of Study (Full-Time, Part-Time, E-Learning )
Address, Programme Director or Equivalent
"ECTS/DS Coordinator: Lecturer Alper GÜLBE Address: Iğdır Universty, Iğdır Technical Sciences Vocational High School,İrfan Street Yancar WorkCenter, Iğdır E-Mail:"
Traditional Handicratfs Department has continued education since 2008- 2009 academic year. Lecturers, who proved their scientific competence in their own fiels in terms of Turkey and international standarts, work in department. There is 100 square meter laboratory which is equipped with turning lathe, milling machine, bench drill, grinding machine, grading machine.

Key Learning Outcomes
1Students can use theoretical and applied knowledge together to solve problems.
2Students can read and draw technical drawings of machine parts on computer or on paper.
3Makine parçalarının teknik çizimlerini kağıt ve bilgisayar ortamında okur ve çizer.
4Talaşlı imalat yöntemlerini bilir ve bunları konvansiyonel ve CNC makinelerde uygular.
5Bir projenin etüdünü yapar, gerekli raporları hazırlar, üretim süreçlerini gerçekleştirir ve sunar.
6Bilgiye erişebilme ve bu amaçla kaynak araştırması yapabilme, veri tabanları ve diğer bilgi kaynaklarını kullanabilme becerisi gösterir.
7Atatürk İlke ve İnkılaplarına bağlı Türkçeyi iyi kullanarak etkili iletişim kurabilen ve mesleki gelişmeleri takip edebilecek düzeyde yabancı dil bilgisine sahip olur.
8Temel işletme kurallarını ve iş güvenliği unsurlarını bilir ve etik kurallara uygun olarak yürütür.
9Bilgisayarın yapısını tanır ve mesleğinde gerekli ofis yazılımlarını kullanabilir.
10Endüstriyel malzemelerin genel özellik ve kullanım alanlarını bilir, seçimini yapabilir.
11Ölçme ve kontrol aletlerinin yapısını ve kullanım alanlarını tanır ve gerekli ölçümleri yapabilir.
12Temel imalat yöntemlerini ve yeni üretim metotlarını tanır ve bunlar arasında tercih yapabilir.
13Hidrolik ve pnömatik sistemlerin elemanlarını tanır, devre şemasını çizer ve bunlarla ilgili arızaları giderebilir.

TYYÇ - Programme Outcomes - Base Scope Relationship
TYYÇProgramme OutcomesBase Scope
Course Structure Diagram with Credits
T : Theoretical P: Practice L : Laboratory
1. Dönem
No Ders Kodu Ders Adı Ders Türü D U L AKTS
2 9900001157 CAREER PLANNING Zorunlu 1 0 0 2
3 3300001000 ELECTIVE COURSE Seçmeli - - - 0
4 9900000114 FOREIGN LANGUAGE - I Zorunlu 2 0 0 2
5 3306001100 MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY Zorunlu 3 1 0 5
6 9900001082 MATHEMATICS Zorunlu 4 0 0 6
7 9900001136 PHYSICS Zorunlu 3 1 0 4
8 9900000113 TURKISH LANGUAGE - I Zorunlu 2 0 0 0
Toplam 17 2 0 21
2. Dönem
No Ders Kodu Ders Adı Ders Türü D U L AKTS
2 3306002103 BasIc ManIfacturIng OperatIons Zorunlu 3 1 0 9
3 3300002000 ELECTIVE COURSE Seçmeli - - - 0
4 9900000214 FOREIGN LANGUAGE - II Zorunlu 2 0 0 2
5 3306003104 MachIne Elements Zorunlu 3 0 0 0
6 9900000213 TURKISH LANGUAGE - II Zorunlu 2 0 0 2
7 9900001137 VOCATIONAL MATHEMATICS Zorunlu 1 1 0 4
Toplam 13 2 0 19
3. Dönem
No Ders Kodu Ders Adı Ders Türü D U L AKTS
1 3306002100 C.N.C. TURNING TECHNOLOGY Zorunlu 3 1 0 6
2 3306003100 Computer AIded DrawIng-I Zorunlu 3 1 0 3
3 3300003000 ELECTIVE COURSE Seçmeli - - - 0
4 3300000001 INTERNSHIP Zorunlu 0 0 0 8
5 3306003103 ManufacturIng TechnologIes-I Zorunlu 3 1 0 5
6 3306003105 ThermodynamIcs Zorunlu 2 0 0 2
Toplam 11 3 0 24
4. Dönem
No Ders Kodu Ders Adı Ders Türü D U L AKTS
1 3306003101 C.N.C. MILLING TECHNOLOGY Zorunlu 3 1 0 6
2 3306004200 Computer AIded DrawIng-II Zorunlu 3 1 0 3
3 3300004000 ELECTIVE COURSE Seçmeli - - - 0
4 3306004203 ManufacturIng TechnologIes-II Zorunlu 2 1 0 4
5 3306004101 MOLDING FOR MACHINERY Zorunlu 1 1 0 4
6 9900001087 RESEARCH METHODS AND TECHNIQUES Zorunlu 2 2 0 3
7 3306004103 WELDING TECHNOLOGY Zorunlu 1 1 0 2
Toplam 12 7 0 22
No Ders Kodu Ders Adı Ders Türü D U L AKTS
1 190000000000 ACADEMIC TURKISH Seçmeli 2 0 0 0
2 3306001101 Measurement And InspectIon Seçmeli 1 1 0 2
3 3306001102 INSTALLATION PROCESSES Seçmeli 3 1 0 4
4 3306001103 BASIC ELECTIRICITY Seçmeli 3 1 0 4
5 9900000148 BİLİMLERİN DİLİNDEN YARATILIŞ Seçmeli 2 0 0 2
6 9900000149 SAĞLIKLI YAŞAM, MANEVİ BAKIM VE DEĞER Seçmeli 2 0 0 0
7 9900001121 TECHNICAL DRAWING Seçmeli 3 1 0 3
No Ders Kodu Ders Adı Ders Türü D U L AKTS
1 3306002101 TechnIcal DrawIng Of MachIne Parts Seçmeli 1 1 0 2
2 3306002102 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Seçmeli 2 0 0 3
3 3306002104 HEATING SYSTEMS Seçmeli 3 1 0 5
4 9900001138 BASIC COMPUTER TRAINING Seçmeli 2 1 0 2
5 9900001148 COMMUNICATION Seçmeli 2 0 0 2
No Ders Kodu Ders Adı Ders Türü D U L AKTS
1 184403003101 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Seçmeli 2 0 0 2
2 3306003102 HydrolIc And PneumatIc Seçmeli 4 0 0 0
3 3351004101 WORKING SAFETY Seçmeli 2 0 0 2
4 9900000124 VOCATIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE - I Seçmeli 2 0 0 2
5 9900000129 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN - I Seçmeli 1 1 0 3
7 9900001050 VOCATIONAL ETHICS Seçmeli 2 0 0 2
8 9900001153 İŞARET DİLİ Seçmeli 2 0 0 2
No Ders Kodu Ders Adı Ders Türü D U L AKTS
2 3306004100 UnconventIonal ManIfacturIng TechnologIes Seçmeli 3 0 0 3
3 3306004104 NATURAL GAS FACILITIES Seçmeli 2 1 0 4
5 9900000127 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT - I Seçmeli 3 0 0 4
6 9900000224 VOCATIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE-II Seçmeli 2 0 0 2
7 9900001110 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND STANDARDS Seçmeli 3 0 0 3
Iğdır University, Iğdır / TURKEY • Tel (pbx): +90 476 226 13 14 • e-mail: