Course Unit Code | Course Unit Title | Type of Course Unit | Year of Study | Semester | Number of ECTS Credits | BAB-23-120 | DORMANCY PHYSIOLOGY OF FRUIT TREES | Elective | 1 | 1 | 6 |
Level of Course Unit |
Second Cycle |
Objectives of the Course |
The aim of the cours is to teach principles of physiology of dormancy in fruits (seeds and fruit buds). |
Name of Lecturer(s) |
Yrd.Doç.Dr. Mücahit PEHLUVAN |
Learning Outcomes |
1 | The students learn about dormancy physiology, physiological and biochemical activities in fruit trees. | 2 | Giving to students about dormancy topic, they learn benefits of this information in terms of practice fruit growing. |
Mode of Delivery |
Daytime Class |
Prerequisites and co-requisities |
None |
Recommended Optional Programme Components |
None |
Course Contents |
The course goals are to teach the dormancy terminology of different organs like seed and buds with dormancy stage, deep dormancy, the end of dormancy, delaying flowering etc. Morever, in this course, other goals are to give students some imformation about the need of chilling and the sum of growing degree hours in temperate fruits. |
Weekly Detailed Course Contents |
1 | Growth and development of fruits | | | 2 | Dormancy of fruit seeds; physical dormancy, physiological dormancy | | | 3 | The internal factors of affecting dormancy in fruit seeds; seed coat, plant growth regulators | | | 4 | The external factors of affecting dormancy in fruit seeds; water, temperature, light, oxygen | | | 5 | The techniques applied in seed germination | | | 6 | Promoting and accelerating methods of seed germination | | | 7 | Dormancy of fruit buds
| | | 8 | Midterm exam | | | 9 | True, obligatory, proportional dormancy | | | 10 | Apical dominancy of fruit trees | | | 11 | Summer, winter and spring dormancy of fruit trees | | | 12 | Theories about winter dormancy in fruit trees | | | 13 | The chilling of fruit trees; effective chilling temperature and its duration | | | 14 | The sum of growing degree hours in fruit trees | | | 15 | General assessment about all topics and future projections
| | | 16 | Final Exam | | |
Recommended or Required Reading |
1. Güleryüz, M., 1982. Bahçe Ziraatında Büyütücü ve Engelleyici Maddelerin Kullanılması ve Önemi Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları No:599, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No:279, Tercümeler Sayısı No:20, Atatürk Üniversitesi Basımevi, Erzurum. ( Dr. Heinz Jansen’den çeviri).
2. Kacar, B., Katkat, V., Öztürk, Ş. 2002. Bitki Fizyolojisi. Uludağ Üniv. Güçlendirme Vakfı Yayını. Bursa, S. 563.
3. Eriş, A., 2007. Bahçe Bitkileri Fizyolojisi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Notları No: 11, VI. Basım, Bursa, S. 152.
4. İnternet |
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods |
Assessment Methods and Criteria | | Language of Instruction | | Work Placement(s) | None |
Workload Calculation |
Midterm Examination | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Final Examination | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Self Study | 14 | 10 | 140 |
Individual Study for Mid term Examination | 1 | 15 | 15 |
Individual Study for Final Examination | 1 | 20 | 20 |
Homework | 1 | 10 | 10 |
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes |
* Contribution Level : 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Medium 4 High 5 Very High |
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