Description of Individual Course Units
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of Course UnitYear of StudySemesterNumber of ECTS Credits
TİB-23-123HADİS TARİHİElective126
Level of Course Unit
Second Cycle
Objectives of the Course
The main of this course: 1. Determination that acceptance rumors and evaluation criteria of hadith and history boks 2. Although traditionist and historians have used same materials in the same period, identify causes of differences in truth in his work 3. Possibility to acchieve knowledge on hadith boks 4. In terms of narration and the use of news, put the culture of traditionist and historians for both perspective
Name of Lecturer(s)
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Osman BİLGEN
Learning Outcomes
1Learned the evaluation criteria of rumors in the hadith and history books
2Understood the reasons of truth differences of traditions and historians books
3Be reached on the basis of knowledge of the books of Hadith have been tested are being met
Mode of Delivery
Daytime Class
Prerequisites and co-requisities
Recommended Optional Programme Components
Course Contents
Determination that acceptance rumors and evaluation criteria of hadith and history boks Possibility to acchieve knowledge on hadith boks
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
1The phenomenon of narrate
2Hadith and history as a discipline
3The resource history of narrate in islamic culture
4Human resources
5Material resources
6Using hadith books and siyer books
7Using hadith books and siyer books
8Midtern exam
9Studying of hadith and historian rumors mutually ( event of Banu Qurayza)
10General rumors
11Rumors related with afternoon Salah
12Rumors related with did not kill children
13Rumors related with refereeing of Sa’d Ibn Muaz
14Rumors related with Gabriel’s seen
15General Results
Recommended or Required Reading
Basic Contexts: 1. Buhârî, Ebû Abdullah Muhammed b. İsmâil b. İbrâhim b. el-Mugîre, es-Sahîh, b.y.y. 1315/1984. el-Câmiu’s-Sahîh- Sahih-i Buhârî ve Tercemesi, (çev. Mehmed Sofuoğlu), İstanbul 1987. 2. Müslim, Ebü’l-Hüseyn el-Haccâc en-Neysâbûrî, Sahîhu Müslim, Dâru İhyâi’t-Türâsi’l-Arabî, Beyrut, ts. Sahîh-i Müslim ve Tercemesi, (çev. Mehmed Sofuoğlu), İrfan Yayınevi, İstanbul 1967. 3. Tirmizî, Ebû İsâ Muhammed b. İsâ b. Sevre et-Tirmizî, el-Câmiu’s-Sahîh, Kahire 1384. 4. Ebû Dâvûd, Süleyman b. Eş’as b. İshak el-Ezdî es-Sicistânî, Sünen, Mısır 1371. 5. Nesâî, Ebû Abdurrahmanrrahman Ahmed İbn Şuayb (303/915), es-Sünen, (thk. Abdülfettah Ebû Gudde), Mektebetü’l-Matbuati’l-İslâmiyye, Halep, 1406/1986. 6. İbn Mace, Ebû Abdullah Muhammed b. Yezid er-Rebei el-Kazvini, Sünenu İbn Mace, (tah. Muhammed Mustafa A'zami), Şeriketü't-Tıbaati'l-Arabiyye, Riyad 1984/1404. 7. Ahmed b. Hanbel, Ebû Abdullah Ahmed b. Muhammed b. Hanbel eş-Şeybânî, Müsned, Beyrut, ts. 8. Mâlik b. Enes, Ebû Abdullah el-Esbahî, Muvatta, (thk. Muhammed Fuat Abdülbâkî), Dârü’l-Hadis, Kâhire, ts. Assistant resources 1. İbn Hacer, Ebü’l-Fazl Ahmed b. Ali el-Askalânî, Fethü’l-Bârî bi şerhi Sahîhi’l-Buhârî, Beyrut 1414. 2. Ali el-Muttakî, Alâuddin Ali b. Abdülmelik b. Kâdı Han el-Hindî, Kenzü’l-Ummâl, Müessesetü’r-Risâle, Beyrut-1409/1989. Bilgen, Osman, Tarihsel Bilgi Değeri Açısından Hadis Rivayetleri –Beni Kurayza Örneği-, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara 2008.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Assessment Methods and Criteria
Term (or Year) Learning ActivitiesQuantityWeight
Midterm Examination1100
End Of Term (or Year) Learning ActivitiesQuantityWeight
Final Examination1100
Term (or Year) Learning Activities50
End Of Term (or Year) Learning Activities50
Language of Instruction
Work Placement(s)
Workload Calculation
ActivitiesNumberTime (hours)Total Work Load (hours)
Midterm Examination122
Final Examination122
Criticising Paper7535
Individual Study for Mid term Examination11515
Individual Study for Final Examination11515
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
* Contribution Level : 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Medium 4 High 5 Very High
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