Description of Individual Course Units
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of Course UnitYılSemesterNumber of ECTS Credits
190301501105TEMEL EDEBİ KAVRAMLAR Elective115
Dersin Seviyesi
Dersin Amacı
The course aims at making students familiar with the general literary terms, figures of speeches, terms of non-fiction (non-imaginative literature), terms of elements of narrative, terms of drama, terms of literary groups, periods, movements and styles.
Name of Lecturer(s)
Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Zafer ŞAFAK
Öğrenme Çıktıları
1To be able know the basic terms/concepts of literary concepts.
2Recognize the figures of speeches in literary texts.
3To be able to employ the terms of drama in his/her essays.
4To be able to combine the knowledge with that of other courses.
5To be able to evaluate certain literary texts including literary terms/concepts within the frame of various pre-determined rules.
Öğrenim Türü
Daytime Class
Dersin Ön Koşulu Olan Dersler
Ders İçin Önerilen Diğer Hususlar
The participants are expected to have obtained A Glossary of Literary Terms (Seventh Edition, by M. H. Abrams Cornell University), The Routledge Dictionary of Literary Terms (Third Edition, by Peter Childs, Roger Fowler) and scrutinize the two books.
Dersin İçeriği
The course will cover general literary terms, figures of speeches, terms of non-fiction (non-imaginative literature), terms of elements of narrative, terms of drama, terms of literary groups, periods, movements and styles.
Haftalık Ayrıntılı Ders İçeriği
1Introduction Literature Imaginative Literature, Non-Imaginative Literature, Written&Oral Literature--
2Literary Types/Genres Fiction, Prose, Short Story Novella, Story or Tale, Fable, Saga, Legend, Myth--
3Novel and Types of Novels Novel, Picaresque Novel, Epistolary Novel, Stream of Consciousness Novel, Nouveau Novel, Anti-Novel, Gothic Novel, Science Fiction--
4Drama Classical Elements of a Dramatic Play The Unities, Hamartia, Tragic Flaw, Hubris, Nemesis, Catharsis, Peripetia, Anagnorisis, Types of Dramatic Plays Tragedy, Senecan Tragedy, Revenge Tragedy, Domestic Tragedy, Tragi-comedy--
5Comedy, Farce, Romantic Comedy, Comedy of Humours, Comedy of Manners, Sentimental Comedy--
6Chronicle Play, Mystery Play, Miracle Play, Morality Play, Poetry, Lyric, Ode, Elegy, Ballad, Epic, Mock Epic, Romance, Pastoral, Satire, Burlesque, Allegory--
7Mid-Term Exam
8Non-Imaginative Literature Journal, Memoir, Biography, Autobiography, Essay, Travel Literature/Traveloque--
9Elements of Narrative Plot, Sub-plot, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, crisis, catastrophe, denoument, prologue, epilogue, in media res, flashback, conflict, suspense--
10Characters and Point of View Point of view, participant character, non-participant character, characterization, flat and round characters, stock character, protagonist, antagonist, anti-hero, foil--
11Figures of Speech Figurative Language, imagery, symbol, simile, metaphor, conceit, personification, paradox, oxymoron, irony, dramatic irony or tragic irony, hyperbole, euphemism, alliteration--
12Literary Groups, Periods, Movements, and Styles Classic, Classicism, Platonism, Mysticism, Metaphysical, Commonwealth Period, Puritans--
13Literary Groups, Periods, Movements, and Styles Restoration Period, Romantic Anachronism--
14General Literary Terms and Movements and Moods Scholasticism, Theology, Humanism, Renaissance, Aside, Soliloquy, Aphorism, Reformation, Victorian Period, Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism, Theatre of the Absurd, Anachronism, Courtly Love, Symposium, Theme, Carpe Diem, Motif, Leitmotif, Literary Convention/Decorum, Criticism, Form, Style, Imitation, Epigram,--
Ders Kitabı / Malzemesi / Önerilen Kaynaklar
A Glossary of Literary Terms The Routledge Dictionary of Literary Terms The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms/2001 Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory/2013
Planlanan Öğrenme Aktiviteleri ve Metodları
Yarıyıl (Yıl) İçi EtkinlikleriAdetDeğer
Midterm Examination1100
Yarıyıl(Yıl) Sonu EtkinliklerAdetDeğer
Final Examination1100
Term (or Year) Learning Activities40
End Of Term (or Year) Learning Activities60
Dersin Sunulduğu Dil
Staj Durumu
İş Yükü Hesaplaması
EtkinliklerSayısıSüresi (saat)Toplam İş Yükü (saat)
Midterm Examination12020
Final Examination13030
Attending Lectures14342
Criticising Paper15050
TOPLAM İŞ YÜKÜ (saat)162
Program ve Öğrenme Çıktıları İlişkisi
















* Katkı Düzeyi : 1 Çok düşük 2 Düşük 3 Orta 4 Yüksek 5 Çok yüksek
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