Description of Individual Course Units
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of Course UnitYear of StudySemesterNumber of ECTS Credits
170201001105THE LIFE OF PROPHET MUHAMMADCompulsory113
Level of Course Unit
First Cycle
Objectives of the Course
Understanding the importance and place of the prophet in the history and the basic knowledge about the sirah studies.
Name of Lecturer(s)
مساعد دكتور عبد الحليم أوفلاز
Learning Outcomes
11. The ability to understand the importance and place of Arabian history before Islam in the sirah studies.; 2. The ability to realize the environment and conditions of Meccah and around it before his prophethood.; 3. The ability to explain the reasons of opposition pagans against the Prophet Muhammed's notification.; 4. The ability to compare the Prophet Muhammed’s activities in order to spread of his prophethood and applications in this issue.; 5. The ability to analyze the new developments within the framework of the Prophet Muhammed’s relations with Madina before the hijra.; 6. Understanding the Ansar-Muhacir brotherhood and its consequences after the Migration and taking these as an example in the relations between people today.; 7. The ability to make analogy between his political methods during the struggling to pagans of Mecca, jews and hypocrites and …; 8. The ability to produce an idea about results of Prophet Muhammed’s notification activities he carried out in Arabian Peninsula.; 9. The ability to produce an idea with respect to universal messages which spoke out in farewell sermon; 10. The ability to critique the modern and classical approaches about the period of the Prophet Muhammed by using scientific methods
Mode of Delivery
Daytime Class
Prerequisites and co-requisities
Recommended Optional Programme Components
Course Contents
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
1The main sources of Sirah: Quran and Sunnah.
2The social, cultural and religious environment that the Prophet Muhammed finds ready.
3Mecca period before Islam
4In the pre-Islamic period Mecca.
5Prophet Muhammed's birth and childhood.
6The Prophet Muhammed's position in social life.
7The first revelation and the first muslims.
8Meccans activities and the reasons of opposition to Islam.
9The Prophet Muhammed’s strategy to struggle of pagans
10The Hijrah to Abyssinia and Madinah
11The efforts of new community-building in Madinah
12The relations of with the polytheists of Mecca, jews and hypocrites
13The letters of invitation to Islam and the results of these
14The Prophet Muhammed’s fareweel sermon and his death
Recommended or Required Reading
1. İbrahim Sarıçam, Hz. Muhammed ve Evrensel Mesajı Ankara 2004. 2. Adem Apak, Anahatlarıyla İslam Tarihi I, İstanbul 2011 3. Muhammed Hamidullah, İslam Peygamberi, I-II, İstanbup 1990-1991
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Assessment Methods and Criteria
Term (or Year) Learning ActivitiesQuantityWeight
Midterm Examination1100
End Of Term (or Year) Learning ActivitiesQuantityWeight
Final Examination1100
Term (or Year) Learning Activities40
End Of Term (or Year) Learning Activities60
Language of Instruction
Work Placement(s)
Workload Calculation
ActivitiesNumberTime (hours)Total Work Load (hours)
Midterm Examination122
Final Examination144
Attending Lectures14228
Self Study14228
Individual Study for Mid term Examination6212
Individual Study for Final Examination6212
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
* Contribution Level : 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Medium 4 High 5 Very High
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