Description of Individual Course Units
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of Course UnitYılSemesterNumber of ECTS Credits
3303001103FUNDAMENTALS OF WEB DESIGNCompulsory123
Dersin Seviyesi
Ön Lisans
Dersin Amacı
It is aimed that, with this course, students will gain competence about making HTML actions for WEB project.
Name of Lecturer(s)
Öğr. Gör. Metehan GÜNDE
Öğrenme Çıktıları
1Students will edit the text using text editing labels, create link between pages and create tables.
2Students will create form and frame for web-pages and add multimedia.
3Students will make sty template, use this template and create a menu.
4Students will define the scanner error and find solutions.
Öğrenim Türü
Evening Education
Dersin Ön Koşulu Olan Dersler
Ders İçin Önerilen Diğer Hususlar
Dersin İçeriği
"1. Definitions of Internet and WEB (Internet environment ve WEB design and WEB scanners, Web servers, Search engine, WEB design) 2. HTML Basic Labels (HTML structure, Basic labels, Listing labels) 3. Text and Image Labels (Text editing labels, Image editing labels) 4. Create a Link (Create a link in-page, Create a link out of-page, Create a link in another point of page, Create a link in e-mail) 5. Table Actions (TR, TD, Border, TH, Width, Height, Colspan, Rowspan, Cellspacing, Cellpadding) 6. Forms (Form properties, Form objects, Code events to Form objects) 7. Frames (Types of frame, frameset, frame, noframes, iframe) 8. Multimedia (Multimedia tools, Add picture, Add sound tools, Add video, Animation and visual effects) 9. Style Template(CSS) Basics (CSS Structure, CSS' area of use, CSS units, CSS abbreviate actions) 10. Style Template(CSS) Properties (Background properties, Font properties, Text box properties, Table properties, Position properties, List properties) 11. Style Template(CSS) Menu Actions (Create vertical menu, create horizontal menu, create across menu, Vertical menu, Horizontal menu, Image menu) 12. Scanner Errors (Types of scanner, CSS debugging strategies, Available error analysis, WWW Consortium)"
Haftalık Ayrıntılı Ders İçeriği
1"Definitions of Internet and WEB Internet environment ve WEB design and WEB scanners, Web servers, Search engine, WEB design"
2"HTML Basic Labels HTML structure, Basic labels"
3"HTML Basic Labels Listing labels"
4"Text and Image Labels Text editing labels, Image editing labels"
5"Create a Link Create a link in-page, Create a link out of-page, Create a link in another point of page, Create a link in e-mail"
6"Table Actions TR, TD, Border, TH, Width, Height, Colspan, Rowspan, Cellspacing, Cellpadding"
7"Forms Form properties, Form objects, Code events to Form objects"
8"Frames Types of frame, frameset, frame, noframes, iframe"
9"Multimedia Multimedia tools, Attach Picture"
10"Multimedia Add sound tools, Attach video, Animation and visual effects "
11"Sty Template(CSS) Basics CSS Structure, CSS' area of use, CSS units, CSS abbreviate actions"
12"Sty Template(CSS) Properties Background properties, Font properties, Text box properties, Table properties, Position properties, List properties"
13"Sty Template(CSS) Menu Actions create vertical menu, create horizontal menu, create across menu, Vertical menu, Horizontal menu, Image menü"
14"Scanner Errors Types of scanner, CSS debugging strategies, Available error analysis, WWW Consortium"
Ders Kitabı / Malzemesi / Önerilen Kaynaklar
"A'dan Z'ye CSS HTML 5, XHTML, CSS2, CSS3, Rıza ÇELİK, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2010. HTML 5 ve CSS 3, Ertuğrul HASKAN, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2011."
Planlanan Öğrenme Aktiviteleri ve Metodları
Yarıyıl (Yıl) İçi EtkinlikleriAdetDeğer
Midterm Examination1100
Yarıyıl(Yıl) Sonu EtkinliklerAdetDeğer
Final Examination1100
Term (or Year) Learning Activities40
End Of Term (or Year) Learning Activities60
Dersin Sunulduğu Dil
Staj Durumu
İş Yükü Hesaplaması
EtkinliklerSayısıSüresi (saat)Toplam İş Yükü (saat)
Midterm Examination111
Final Examination111
Attending Lectures14342
Self Study14228
Individual Study for Mid term Examination166
Individual Study for Final Examination11212
Program ve Öğrenme Çıktıları İlişkisi











ÖÇ13 3 2 2    
ÖÇ23 3 2 2    
ÖÇ33 3 2 2    
ÖÇ4333   2    
* Katkı Düzeyi : 1 Çok düşük 2 Düşük 3 Orta 4 Yüksek 5 Çok yüksek
Iğdır University, Iğdır / TURKEY • Tel (pbx): +90 476 226 13 14 • e-mail: