Description of Individual Course Units
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of Course UnitYear of StudySemesterNumber of ECTS Credits
TİB-23-185SİSTEMATİK KELAM - IElective136
Level of Course Unit
Second Cycle
Objectives of the Course
To get students to comprehend the models of interpretations on theological problems on historical duration
Name of Lecturer(s)
Yard. Doç. Dr. Mürsel ATA
Learning Outcomes
1Rational foundations of The Faith
2The basic Kalam methods
3Which meaning of God names?
Mode of Delivery
Daytime Class
Prerequisites and co-requisities
Recommended Optional Programme Components
Course Contents
Epistemological foundations of Islamic Theology, Rational foundations of The Faith, Arguments for God, The Kalams Doctirine of Created Wold, Doctirine of Atomisim and origin of Kalam, Why the kalam adopted atomisim?, Argument for creation is based upon atomisim, The denial of causalty, the duration and destruction of things, the theory of custom (adad) and tis formulation into Ash’arite Theology
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
1Knowledge of Islamic Theology: its definition, subject and goal.
2Rising of Knowledge of Islamic Theology and reasons
3Understanding of Ontology
4Methods of Understanding of the Qur’an
5Relation between logic and narration (vahy)
6Relation between logic and narration (vahy Formative period of sects of Kelam
7Arguments for the existence of Allah
8Midterm Exam
9Arguments for the existence of Allah
10Criticism to Islamic Theologians' methods on the basic existence of Allah
11Attributes of Allah
12Attributes of His personal and actual
13Attributes of “Haberi
14Different interpretations of Attributes problem
15Final exam
Recommended or Required Reading
Eş’ari, Kitabu’l-Luma’ fi’r-Reddi ‘ala Ehli’z-Zeyği ve’l-Bida’, ed. J.McCarthy, Beyrut 1953; Kadı Abdulcebbar, Şerhu Usuli’l-Hamse, Kahire 1996; Bakıllani, Kitabu Temhidi’l-Evail ve Telhisu’l-Delail, Beyrut 1993; Gazali, İtikatta Orta Yol, Çev. İ.A. Çubukçu ve H.Atay, Ankara 1972; Maturidi, Kitabu’t-Tevhid, tah. Bekir Topaloğlu, Ankara 2003; F. Razi, Muhassal (Kelama Giriş) Çev. H. Atay, Ankara 2002); Taftazani, Şerhu’l-Akaid (Kelam İlmi ve İslam Akaidi) Çev. S. Uludağ, İstanbul 1991; A. Sami en-Neşşar, Menahicu’l-Bahs inde Müfekkiri’l-İslam, Beyrut 1984. Nadim Macit, Kur’anın İnsan Biçimci Dili, Beyan yay., İst. 1995; Hüseyin Atay, İslam İnanc Esasları, A.Ü.İ.F yay.,Ank.; Fahreddin Razi, Mealimu Usul ed-Din: İslam’ın İnanç Esasları (çev. N. Macit) İhtar yay., Erzurum,1995; Ahmet Saim Kılavuz, Ana Hatlarıyla İslam Akaidi ve Kelam'a Giriş, İst. 2007.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Assessment Methods and Criteria
Term (or Year) Learning ActivitiesQuantityWeight
Midterm Examination1100
End Of Term (or Year) Learning ActivitiesQuantityWeight
Final Examination1100
Term (or Year) Learning Activities50
End Of Term (or Year) Learning Activities50
Language of Instruction
Work Placement(s)
Workload Calculation
ActivitiesNumberTime (hours)Total Work Load (hours)
Midterm Examination111
Final Examination122
Makeup Examination122
Attending Lectures1010100
Writing Paper111
Self Study5525
Individual Study for Mid term Examination224
Individual Study for Final Examination224
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
* Contribution Level : 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Medium 4 High 5 Very High
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