Description of Individual Course Units
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of Course UnitYear of StudySemesterNumber of ECTS Credits
0200005119HISTORY OF ISLAMIC SECTS - IElective484
Level of Course Unit
First Cycle
Objectives of the Course
Description of the discipline; its aim, scope, methodology; basic concepts and sources, reasons of Islamic sects’ formation; the earliest political and theological diversifications in religious understanding and the process of institutionalization; sects and religious movements in Classical Period: the problem of naming regarding the sects as the Khârijites, al-Murjia, al-Mu’tazila, Shi’ism (Zaydism, Ismâilism and Imâmism), Ash‘arism and Maturidism, causes of emergence of the sects, their formative periods, mental analyses and fundamental opinions, relations to each others, sub-groups, their effects and contributions to the Islamic Thought.
Name of Lecturer(s)
Learning Outcomes
1To conceive between sect and religion
2Have knowledge of the formation of sects in history
3To conceive affairing between sects and policy
4Have knowlegde sects to improve of latitude of thought
5Understanding between relations of ideas and case
Mode of Delivery
Daytime Class
Prerequisites and co-requisities
Recommended Optional Programme Components
Course Contents
Developing the idea that denominations are forms of understanding of religion, and that religion cannot be identified, and reinforcing the approach of respecting differences.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
1Description of the discipline; its aim, scope, methodology; basic concepts and sources: (E. Ruhi Fığlalı, el-Fark Beyne’l-Fırak’ın Türkçe çevirisine yazdığı Giriş, Istanbul 1979; S. Kutlu, “Islam Mezhepler Tarihinde Usul”,
2Sources of history of Islamic Sects and reasons of Islamic sects’ formation: [E. Ruhi el-Fark Beyne’l-Fırak’ın Türkçe çevirisine yazdığı Giriş, Istanbul 1979; E. Ruhi Fığlalı, “Mezheplerin Doğuşuna Tesir Eden Sebepler”, AÜDFDDED, sayı: IV (Ankara 1980); Hasan Onat, “Mezheplerin İnanç Esaslarının Sistemleşmesinde Kur’an’ın Rolü”, I. Kur’an Sempozyumu, 1-3 Nisan 1993, Bilgi Vakfı, Ankara]
3The earliest political and theological diversifications in religious understanding and the process of institutionalization: (W. Montgomery Watt, Dslam Düşüncesinin Teşekkül Devri, Çev. E. Ruhi Fığlalı, Ankara 1981)
4The Khârijites; The meaning of the name ‘Khârijites’; reasons of Khârijiites’formation; its formative Period; Khâriji doctrines; The sub-sects and men involved; the areas which they lived; the significance of the Khârijite movement: [Watt, Islam Düşüncesinin Teşekkül Devri, I. Bölüm; E. Ruhi Fığlalı, İbâdiyye’nin Doğuşu ve Görüşleri, AÜDF yay. , Ankara 1983; Fığlalı, “Hâricîliğin Doğuşuna Tesir Eden Bazı Sebepler”, AÜDFD, cilt: XX (Ankara 1975); Fığlalı, “Hâricîliğin Doğuşu ve Fırkalara Ayrılışı”, AÜDFD, cilt: XXII (Ankara 1978); Adnan Demircan, Haricîlerin Siyasî Faaliyetleri, Dstanbul 1996.
5Murji’a Sect: The meaning of the name ‘Murji’a’; factors which are effective in this sect’s emergence; its formative period, its main teachings; the sub-sects; the regions to which this sect spreads; its contributions to the Islamic Thought: (Sönmez Kutlu, “Mürcie Mezhebi: Doğuşu, Fikirleri, Edebiyatı ve İslam Düşüncesine Katkıları”, Gazi Üniv. Çorum İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2002/1). Mu’tazila Sect: The meaning of the name ‘Mu’tazila’; reasons which are effective in this sect’s emergence; its formative period; its fundamental principles: [Osman Aydınlı, “Mu’tezile Ekolü Teşekkülü, İlkeleri ve İslam Düşüncesine Katkıları”, Ma’rife, Yıl: 3, Sayı: 3 (Konya 2003 ); Hüseyin Hansu, “Mu’tezile Araştırmalarında Kaynak Problemi, Ma’rife, Yıl: 3, Sayı: 3 (Konya 2003)
6Mu’tazila Sect: The meaning of the name ‘Mu’tazila’; reasons which are effective in this sect’s emergence; its formative period; its fundamental principles: [Osman Aydınlı, “Mu’tezile Ekolü Teşekkülü, İlkeleri ve İslam Düşüncesine Katkıları”, Ma’rife, Yıl: 3, Sayı: 3 (Konya 2003 ); Hüseyin Hansu, “Mu’tezile Araştırmalarında Kaynak Problemi, Ma’rife, Yıl: 3, Sayı: 3 (Konya 2003)
7Mu’tazila’s relations with other sects especially with Zaydism; The Schools of Basra and Baghdad; the regions to which this sect spreads; its contributions to the Islamic Thought : [Osman Aydınlı, “Mu’tezile Ekolü Teşekkülü, İlkeleri ve İslam Düşüncesine Katkıları”, Ma’rife, Yıl: 3, Sayı: 3 (Konya 2003 ); Mehmet Ümit, Zeydiyye-Mu’tezile Etkileşimi ve Kâsım er-Ressî, Ankara Üniv. Sos. Bil. Ens. , Basılmamış Doktora tezi, Ankara 2003]
8Midterm Exam
9Shi’a Sect: The meaning of the name ‘Shi’a’; factors which are effective in this sect’s emergence; its formative period; its main teachings; its sub-sects; [Hasan Onat, Emevîler Devri Şiî Hareketleri ve Günümüz Şiîliği, Ankara 1991; Hasan Onat, “Şiîliğin Doğuşu”, AÜDFD, cilt: XXXVI (Ankara 1997) E. Ruhi Fığlalı, İmâmiyye Şîası, İst., 1984 ]
10Imâmism; The meaning of the name ‘Imâmism’; reasons which are effective in this sect’s emergence; its formative period; its fundamental principles; the sub-sects; the regions to which this sect spreads; its contributions to the Islamic Thought: (E. Ruhi İmâmiyye Şîası, İst., 1984; Metin Bozan, Dmâmiyye’nin Dmâmet Fığlalı, Nazariyesinin Teşekkül Süreci , Basılmamış Doktora tezi, Ank. Üniv. Sos. Bil. Ens. , Ankara 2004 )
11Ismâilism: The meaning of the name ‘Ismâilism’; reasons which are effective in this sect’s emergence; its formative period; its fundamental principles; the sub-sects; the regions to which this sect spreads; its contributions to the Islamic Thought: (E. Ruhi Çağımızda Dtikadî Dslam Mezhepleri, Dstanbul 1983; Muzaffer Tan, İsmaililiğin Fığlalı, Teşekkül Süreci, Ank. Üniv. Sos. Bil. Ens. Basılmamış Doktora tezi, Ankara 2005)
12Zaydi Sect: The meaning of the name ‘Zaydism’; reasons which are effective in this sect’s emergence; its formative period; its fundamental principles; the sub-sects; the regions to which this sect spreads; its contributions to the Islamic Thought: (İsa Doğan, Zeydiyye’nin Doğuşu ve İ’tikadi Görüşleri, Samsun 1996; İsa Doğan, Samsun 1996; Dsa Doğan, “Zeydiyye Mezhebi”, Uluslararası Şiîlik Sempozyumu, DSAV yay., İstanbul; Mehmet Ümit, Zeydiyye-Mu’tezile Etkileşimi ve Kâsım er-Ressî, Basılmamış Doktora tezi, Ank. Üniv. Sos Bil. Ens. Ank., 2003)
13Sunnism: The meaning of the name ‘Sunnism’; reasons which are effective in this sect’s emergence; its formative period; its fundamental principles; the sub-sects; Ash’arim; the meaning of the name ‘Ash’arism’; reasons which are effective in this sect’s emergence; its formative period; its fundamental principles; the regions to which this sect spreads; its contributions to the Islamic Thought: [E. Ruhi Fığlalı, Çağımızda İtikadî İslam Mezhepleri; Mehmet Keskin, Eş’arîliğin Teşekkül Süreci, Basılmamış Doktora tezi, Ankara Üniv. Sos. Bil. Ens. , (Ankara 2005)]
14Mâturidîsm: The meaning of the name ‘Mâturîdism’; reasons which are effective in this sect’s emergence; its formative period; its fundamental principles; the regions to which this sect spreads; its contributions to the Islamic Thought: (Sönmez Kutlu, Maturidilik Tarihî Arka Plan, Hayatı, Eserleri, Fikirleri ve Maturidilik Mezhebi, Ankara 2003; Sönmez Kutlu, “İmam Mâturîdî’ye Göre Diyanet-Siyaset Ayrımı Çağdaş tartışmalarla Mukayesesi, İslâmiyât, cilt: 8 sayı: 2 (Ankara 2005)]
15Mâturidîsm: The meaning of the name ‘Mâturîdism’; reasons which are effective in this sect’s emergence; its formative period; its fundamental principles; the regions to which this sect spreads; its contributions to the Islamic Thought: (Sönmez Kutlu, Maturidilik Tarihî Arka Plan, Hayatı, Eserleri, Fikirleri ve Maturidilik Mezhebi, Ankara 2003; Sönmez Kutlu, “İmam Mâturîdî’ye Göre Diyanet-Siyaset Ayrımı Çağdaş tartışmalarla Mukayesesi, İslâmiyât, cilt: 8 sayı: 2 (Ankara 2005)]
16Final Exam
Recommended or Required Reading
Primary Sources : 1.Ethem Ruhi Fığlalı, Çağımızda İtikadi İslam Mezhepleri, Dstanbul 1983. Dmâmiyye Şîası, Istanbul 1984. 2. E. Ruhi Fığlalı, Islam Düşüncesinin Teşekkül Devri, Çev. E. Ruhi Fığlalı, 3. W. Montgomery Watt, Ankara 1981. 4. Other sources which are related to the subjects are given in lesson proramme. Secondary Sources: 1. Drfan Abdulhamid, Islam’da Itikâdî Mezhepler ve Akâid Esasları, M. Saim Yeprem, Dstanbul 1983. 2. Fazlurrahman, Islam, Çev. Mehmet Aydın-Mehmet Dağ, Ankara Okulu Yay. Ankara 2000. 3. Erich Hoffer, Kesin Dnançlılar, Çev. Erkıl Günur, Dm yay. , Istanbul 1998. 4. Abdulkerim Süruş, Maksimum Din & Minimum Din, Çev. Yasin Demirkıran, Ankara 2002.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Assessment Methods and Criteria
Term (or Year) Learning ActivitiesQuantityWeight
Midterm Examination1100
End Of Term (or Year) Learning ActivitiesQuantityWeight
Final Examination1100
Term (or Year) Learning Activities40
End Of Term (or Year) Learning Activities60
Language of Instruction
Work Placement(s)
Workload Calculation
ActivitiesNumberTime (hours)Total Work Load (hours)
Midterm Examination122
Final Examination144
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
LO1 3  2  
LO2  32 3 
LO3 2  32 
LO4  3 3  
LO5 32412 
* Contribution Level : 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Medium 4 High 5 Very High
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