Description of Individual Course Units
Course Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleType of Course UnitYear of StudySemesterNumber of ECTS Credits
210201304101ISLAMIC EXEGESIS (TAFSIR) IVCompulsory482
Level of Course Unit
First Cycle
Objectives of the Course
Teaching and introducing certain commentary methods. Teaching the ways of understanding and interpreting the Qur'an through the tafsir texts written within the framework of these methods and having a high level of difficulty, discussing the subjects in the verses. Gaining advanced knowledge and experience on certain controversial exegetical topics.
Name of Lecturer(s)
Doç. Dr. Mehmet Emin YURT
Learning Outcomes
1Gains knowledge of all basic and secondary tafsir methods, especially Rivayet, Dirayah, Fiqh Tafsir, Sectarian Tafsir and Social Tafsir.
2Gains the ability to make grammatical analyzes of short suras, especially Duha, Inshirah, Asr, Fil and Quraysh suras.
3Learns to read, compare and evaluate advanced tafsir texts written with the methods of Rivayet, Dirayet, Fiqh Tafsir, Sectarian Tafsir and Ictimâi Tafsir.
4Gains knowledge about contemporary and new exegesis methods such as thematic tafsir method, semantic analysis method and psychological tafsir methods.
5Have a wide range of information about the works of tafsir written about both classical exegesis methods and contemporary and new tafsir methods and their authors.
Mode of Delivery
Uzaktan Eğitim
Prerequisites and co-requisities
Recommended Optional Programme Components
Course Contents
Knowledge and experience will be gained about basic and secondary interpretation methods such as Narrative Commentary, Dirayah Commentary, Fiqh Commentary, Sectarian Commentary, Social Commentary, Literary Commentary, Scientific Interpretation, Thematic Commentary, Linguistic Interpretation and Semantic Analysis Method. In addition, by making detailed grammatical analyzes of short suras, the ability to make detailed interpretations will be developed.
Weekly Detailed Course Contents
1Narrated Commentary (Mankûl/Ma'sûr Commentary); Grammar analysis of Surah Duha; Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
2Dirayah Commentary (Aqlî/Re'y Commentary); Grammar analysis of Surah Inshirah; Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
3Fiqh Commentary (Ahkam Commentary); Grammar analysis of Surah Asr; Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
4Sectarian Commentary; Grammar Analysis of Surah Humaza; Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
5Social Commentary (Sociological Interpretation); Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
6Literary Commentary; Grammatical Analysis of Surah Elephant; Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
7Scientific Interpretations; Grammar Analysis of Surah Quraysh; Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
8Themed Commentary (Conceptual Commentary, et-Tefsîru'l-Mevdû'î, et-Tafsîru't-Tawhîdi); Grammatical Analysis of Surah Maun; Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
9Linguistic Interpretation; Grammar Analysis of Surah Kevser; Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
10Semantic Analysis Method; Grammar analysis of Surah Kafirun; Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
11Historicist Enterprise (As a Transition Tool to Hermeneutics); Grammar analysis of Surah Nasr; Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
12The Theory of "Hermeneutic Approach to Interpretation"; Grammar analysis of Surah Tabbat; Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
13Ishari Commentary (Sufi Commentary) - Psychological Commentary; Grammar Analysis of Surah al-Ikhlas; Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
14Philosophical Commentaries; Grammar Analysis of Surah Falak and en-Nas; Reading Sample Tafsir Text.
Recommended or Required Reading
Cerrahoğlu, İsmail, History of Tafsir, Fecr Publications, Ankara, 1996. Cerrahoğlu, İsmail, Method of Tafsîr, Turkish Diyanet Foundation publications, Ankara, 1985. Demirci, Muhsin, Esbâb-ı Nüzül, Turkish Religious Foundation Encyclopedia of Islam, Istanbul, 1995. Demirci, Muhsin, The Method and History of Tafsir, Marmara University Faculty of Theology Foundation Publications, Istanbul, 1998. Sabuni, Muhammad Ali, et-Tıbyân fî 'Ulûmi'l-Kur'ân, 'Âlemu'l-Qutub, Beirut, 1405/1985. Subhi, es-Sâlih, Qur'anic Sciences, Hibaş Publications, Konya, tsz., (tr: M. Said Şimşek). Suyuti, Abdurrahman b. Ebî Bekir Celâleddîn, el-İtkan fî Ulûmi'l-Kur'ân, Merkezu'd-Dırâsâtu'l-Kur'âniyye, Medina, 1426. Suyuti, Celaleddin, ed-Dürru'l-Mansûr fî't-Tafsîr bi'l-Me'sûr, Merkez-u Hecr, Cairo, 2003/1424. Suyûtî, Celâleddîn, el-İklîl fî Istinbati't-Tenzîl, Dâru'l-Kutubi'l-İlmiyye, Beirut, 1401/1981. Suyûtî, Ebu'l-Fadl Celâlüddîn, Esbâbu'n-Nüzül (Lübâbu'n-Nükûl fî Esbâbi'n-Nüzül), Müessesetu'l-Kutubi's-Sekâfiyye, Beirut, 1422/2002. Zehebî, Muhammed Hüseyin, et-Tafsîr ve'l-Müfessirun, Mektebet-u Vehbe, Cairo, 2000. Zehebî, Muhammed Hüseyin, İlmu't-Tafsîr, Dâru'l-Meârif, Cairo, tsz. Zerkani, Muhammed Abdulazim, Menâhilu'l-İrfân fî 'Ulûmi'l-Kur'an, Dâru'l-Kitâbi'l-'Arabî, Beirut, 1415/1995. Zerkeşî, Bedreddin Muhammed b. Abdillah, al-Burhan fî 'Ulûmi'l-Kur'an, Daru't-Turas, Cairo, 1276/1957 and 1404/1984.
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Assessment Methods and Criteria
Term (or Year) Learning ActivitiesQuantityWeight
Midterm Examination1100
End Of Term (or Year) Learning ActivitiesQuantityWeight
Final Examination1100
Term (or Year) Learning Activities20
End Of Term (or Year) Learning Activities80
Language of Instruction
Work Placement(s)
Workload Calculation
ActivitiesNumberTime (hours)Total Work Load (hours)
Midterm Examination111
Final Examination122
Attending Lectures14228
Individual Study for Mid term Examination14114
Individual Study for Final Examination14114
Individual Study for Quiz14114
Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
* Contribution Level : 1 Very low 2 Low 3 Medium 4 High 5 Very High
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